From DDUtilV3
Backup User Settings
Note! DDUtil automatically saves a copy of the user settings every time it has a normal close and further action is not required under normal conditions. However, if you wish to force a settings change use the following procedure.
Follow these steps to save your user settings to a unique file name
- Open the Options menu.
- Select Backup User Settings.
- Give the file a unique name you can recognize.
- Press Save.
- Make sure you save a good file and not a corrupt one. If you're having problems now is not the time to save a backup.
Restore User Settings
- If DDUtil starts normally.
- Open the Option menu.
- Select the Restore User Settings item.
- Select the file name you wish to restore.
- Press the Open button.
- DDUtil will restart with your restored settings installed.
- If DDUtil won't start normally.
- Open the DDUtil install folder (usually C:\DDUtil).
- Execute (double-click) the DeleteUserConfig.bat file.
- Start DDUtil (will have default settings).
- Open the "Option" menu.
- Select the Restore User Settings item.
- Select the file name you wish to restore.
- Press the Open button.
- DDUtil will restart with your restored settings installed.